
In search of his roots: the story of Marco

19 June 2024

2 minutes

Marco is a young man of Sardinian descent, born and raised in France. His grandfather Marco, from whom he inherited the name, emigrated to France with his parents in 1924. From his youth, he felt the call of his Sardinian roots, handed down to him by his grandfather. Growing up, the stories told by his grandfather about Sardinia sparked in him a strong desire to learn about the land of his ancestors and to discover his family identity.


The beginning of an exciting journey


Marco’s passion for Sardinia began in his childhood, when he spent summer vacations in Calasetta, his grandfather’s hometown. It was during these vacations that he began to develop a deep connection with Sardinia and its culture. He still remembers vividly the first time he set foot on Sotto Torre beach in Calasetta, captivated by the vivid colors of the sea and the striking beauty of the surrounding landscape.


The search for one’s roots


One of Marco’s main goals is to get to know his relatives and discover his family history. Through extensive genealogical study, Mark is able to trace his genealogy back to his Sardinian ancestors, discovering branches of the family he did not even know. This research leads him to discover that he has many cousins, both near and far, scattered in various parts of the world.


Family reunion: a special occasion


One of the most exciting moments for Marco is when he is able to reunite with his cousins, some of whom still reside in Calasetta and others scattered across Europe. Despite the geographic distance, they manage to come together almost every year for Calasetta’s Sagra del Pilau, a festival that celebrates local traditions and identity.

Marco still vividly remembers the day he met his first cousin, John, who welcomed him with open arms and told him many stories about the family and the country. Thanks to John, and the in-depth study of their family history, Marco was also able to meet 16 other cousins and cousins, with whom he still manages to keep in touch and meet on special occasions.


A journey of discovery and sharing


Marco’s story is an example of how the search for one’s roots can transform a life and enrich it with meaning. Through his journey to Calasetta, Marco not only rediscovers his family roots, but also finds a sense of belonging and fellowship with his large family scattered around the world. His is a journey of discovery and sharing, capable of creating indelible bonds and enriching his life with new perspectives and experiences.